Reviews on sites like Yelp, Google+ Local, Urban Spoon and even are incredibly important to many businesses. If you have a restaurant, you probably already get this. But even if you are a DUI attorney, a divorce attorney, a hair salon, or even a product that isn't local but sells on Amazon, reviews matter. More than ever. Every businessperson who needs reviews realizes that reviews are hard to get. Why? Because, first and foremost, if you do nothing, the most likely people to review your product will be the angry consumer . For example, I have had a terrible customer service experience with Verizon, and I hate that company so much that during my copious spare time... I am thinking: angry blog post. Contrast that with some very tasty local restaurants here in Fremont: I had dinner, it was excellent, I went home. Little emotional energy to induce me to write a review. Angry people often write reviews. Happy people not so much. As a business marketer, you