Yelp ( ), of course, is one of the largest local "yellow page" systems on the Web. Consumers use Yelp to find local businesses - restaurants and bars, plumbers and hair stylists, even marriage counselors and attorneys. Powered by the largest (and most enthusiastic) local review community on the Web, if your business is local, then you should be using Yelp for your Internet marketing ! Here's a TODO list to hand off to whoever is in charge of local marketing. Email this TODO list to your marketing team member(s) and have them check off the items on the list as indicated by: TODO : Done: ❐ Not Done: ❐ Other: ❐ _______________ Want to SHARE THIS LIST ? Copy / paste this short link into an email: Or use the social share icons below: Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest YELP MATTERS: A TODO LIST #1 - Determine if Yelp Matters to Your Business