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Organizing Your Share Life & Review of Feedly

Sometimes when I go to church... people have this funny phrase: their "Prayer Life." What they mean is that they have an organized ritual of praying and being spiritual much as many of us have an organized ritual of going to the gym, or to Starbucks, or watching Mad Men. So by "Prayer Life," they mean a systematic rigorous method of connecting with God or being spiritual.

Your Share Life

Your Share Life & Review of Feedly
Whatever your religious inclinations might be, you can learn from this idea. For example, what is your "Share life?" Sharing is huge on Social Media; no one can be an expert on everything.

Most of us "share" cool stuff with our followers... But do we do this in a systematic way?

I am an expert on SEO, for example, and on Social Media, but not on WordPress, not on taxes, not on politics, and not on pop culture. But I follow others on those topics, and I share myself on SEO, Social Media and AdWords.

Having an Organized Share Life

Each morning, I boot up my trusty computer and do the following:

  • Check New York Times headlines.
  • Check Gmail News
  • Check Feedly for top news, especially "official" posts by Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and the gang.
I also have a built out "dashboard" with direct links to Search Engine Journal, SEOMoz Blog, Search Engine Land, etc. Everything is just one click. By the way, now that Google Reader has died, I highly recommend Feedly as an RSS reader - it's a quick, easy way to "subscribe" to content on the Web.
Then if I find something interesting, I read it. If it's really interesting and topical, I share it - usually on Google+.

Feedly: an Awesome Replacement for Google Reader

If you haven't heard of Feedly, check it out. It's amazing, it's free, and it replaces Google Reader pretty much instantly.  It's also available on your phone. Identify your top resources, subscribe to them, and then you have a new way to systematically find cool stuff.  I love Feedly!  Check it out!

What's Your Share Life?

I have an organized share life for my clients, friends, and followers. It's a daily ritual and it keeps me informed. What's yours for your clients, friends, and followers?


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