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Is Facebook Relevant to People (or to Marketers)?

Facebook, oh Facebook. So many of us once loved you (as people) and (as marketers). But now with the overly cluttered news feed, the endless "promoted posts" by companies we are not that into, and the inability of us to follow companies we really care about... not to mention that annoying cousin or aunt that can't stop posting stupid things.

Breaking up with Facebook (as a person or as a marketer)

Facebook and Marketers
Are we ready for a breakup? Some companies have already publically "broken up" with Facebook over the problems with the newsfeed and organic posts; some friends and families have also abandoned you.

Where is your relevance in today's cluttered Internet landscape? Are you just the boring scrapbook of our lives, or a new place for the over 50 set (that includes me) to hangout, while the under 20 set moves on to Snapchat and sexting in class?

The New York Times Bits Blog also reports on the decline of Facebook and (GASP!) perhaps its demise. Is Facebook on its way to be the next MySpace? Does this give an opening to Google+, the social network that just can't "seem to make it happen?" Or are we entering a new era of total fragmentation?

Jenna Wortham of the New York Times, asks:

But Face­book no longer feels like a place to share up­dates with friends, cat­a­log your life events or play games with them. The serv­ice has in­tro­duced and elim­i­nat­ed dif­fer­ent de­signs and fo­cal points of ac­tiv­ity so many times over the years that, to me, it is no longer clear what the main site should be used for. For me and most of my friends, it is no longer the pri­mary place peo­ple share pho­tos or chat with their friends, or com­ment on their lo­ca­tion.
If it is none of those things, then what, ex­act­ly, is Face­book? And what will its pur­pose be in the fu­ture?

Read her piece, here.


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