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Can Evergreen Content Grow You Green?

Evergreen content, in case you haven't heard the phrase, refers to content that is perpetually relevant (just as an evergreen tree always has its leaves). That's compared to non-evergreen content, which is the ebb-and-flow of trends and news events that is the stuff of much blogging. In this marketing motivator, let's think just a moment about what evergreen content is, and how you might create some (and why).

Evergreen Content: Examples

Can Evergreen Content Grow You Green?
Examples of evergreen content are items like tutorials or in-depth "how to" articles, common issues that recur again and again for your customers, or even content such as news calendars that, while changing frequently, are things that consumers want to check repeatedly (e.g., public transit schedules). One of my favorite examples of evergreen content is Link Building Tactics: The Complete List.  It's both a useful compendium of link-building tactics, and "link bait" in and of itself. Plus it's evergreen: everyone needs to know about link-building, sooner or later!

Why Create Evergreen Content

Why should you create evergreen content? First, it's evergreen: meaning you create it just once but it has a long shelf life, so you reap the rewards over and over and over. Second, it's wonderful for links and social mentions: while people may not link to, or talk about, your fleeting blog post on the latest silly escapade by Miley Cyrus, they might link to and share your in-depth explanation of how to critique the red carpet event each year outside the Academy Awards. And finally because evergreen content is generally more in-depth and more difficult than other type of content to create, it gives your website or blog a competitive advantage.

Marketing Motivator: Todos

Interested in evergreen content? Here are your todos:

  1. Understand what evergreen content is and why it's useful for both SEO and Social Media Marketing.
  2. Brainstorm some evergreen content ideas that appeal to your target customers.
  3. Research and write a blog post that is evergreen content.
  4. Promote it via SEO, social media, and (gasp!) even advertising.
  5. Measure its success as measured by page views, and clicks from the blog post to actions such as registrations and sales.

And, of course, rinse & repeat.


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